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Nationality Sans Religion

However, contrary to the general assumption Muslims are the most likely of all groups to identify with the concept of "Britishness", the Institute for Social and Economic Research study found.
"The report's authors say the results rubbish suggestions that ethnic groups are unwilling or unable to integrate into the British society and show that fears over the negative impacts of immigration on cultural identity are considerably overstated."
"Understanding Society", report named as such "looked at the socio-economic circumstances of people living in 40,000 UK households. Occupants were asked a series of questions, including how important on a scale of one to 10, being British was to them."
Pakistanis were on the top with an average of 7.76 - despite common presumptions that they associate more strongly with their own national identity than to where they are living now.
Bangladeshi and Indian groups came second and third respectively, while the white population scored the lowest with an average of 6.58.
The study also found that identification with Britishness is higher among the children and grandchildren of migrants."
Source: https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/(Institute for Social and Economic Research
Syed Neaz Ahmad is based in London, England, United Kingdom, and is an Anchor for Allvoices.
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