Easy money offers: Too good to be true

Syed Neaz Ahmad reviews the kind of offers we receive on a regular basis - through post and e-mail - promising us the world. No, they even claim to 'assure' us of things out of this world.
Fancy that new BMW jeep but low on cash? Don’t despair. It may drive you nuts but 'help' is just round the bend! ‘You need money to make money’ we always thought so but it has been ‘proven’ wrong! You do not need money of your own to become very rich in a short period of time’, goes the sleek newsletter that arrived this morning.
There is money to be made in many ways: by promising you the shortest way to owning a multi-storied mansion in London’s Mayfair or Champs Elyses in Paris. If you are gullible enough to succumb to such temptations – you are in good company. Every day dozens of persons – mainly those who can ill-afford this misadventure – lose money and mind.
‘The Diamond Fortune building program is an outstanding business opportunity knocking your door.’ The newsletter is full of ‘valid’ and ‘safe’ advice on making money. The fact is, most people fail to be wealthy not because they do not have the urge or the desire to be rich, but simply because nobody has ever shown them the secrets of becoming rich.
However, all the paths to that desired goal go through: ‘Send $29.95 for the full package’. Agreeably it’s a very small price for a seven-figure income that will enable you to retire ‘in less than two years’.
But if you don’t have the patience for waiting that long there are other ‘easy ways’ out of your misery. A very attractive plan is: “How to retire at any age on $140 a day?” That means a neat $4200 at the end of a month – not half bad! It is possible by just mailing a “special letter” from the comfort of your own home.
‘All you have to do is to mail the letter and watch the money roll in.’ If you wanted to mail them out all at once and take the rest of the week off- that’s fine. How about a short break in the country, a shopping expedition or a stroll along the beach? It’s up to you. How generous.
It is claimed, ‘there is absolutely no catch or con involved here, I promise you, and this has nothing whatsoever to do with any ridiculous envelope-stuffing program. If you can spare as little as 45 minutes a day – assuming you are a very busy man with time for such trash – you can make this program a success.
The author claims: ‘I even have he cheek to watch television while I am doing it. If I’m going on another holiday I just mail the special letter before I leave and bank the money on my return’.
There can’t be an easier way of making over four thousand pounds every month. ‘If you can lick a stamp, stuff an envelope and post a letter then you have all it takes to retire and make $140 every day! The price for this package – like those of other packages – is only $29.95 including postage and packing!
If you are not good at licking then perhaps there is money in your fingers! Sounds incredible doesn’t it – too good to be true? Can you imagine working from home and bringing in $100,000 by operating a simple cash income earner?
The exciting possibilities of this ‘proven’ and extremely ‘profitable’ bank balance builder are beyond comprehension, claim the writers of this newsletter.
They couldn’t be f-a-r-t-h-e-r from the truth.
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